SMAK St. Louis 1 held a Social & Cultural Study on 20-21 February 2023. The cultural study was carried out in Bejijong Village Trowulan – Mojokerto. This activity was attended by students of class XI IPS 1-3 and accompanied by several social teachers.


The activity started with the students gathering at school at 6 am for checking and attendance sessions. They started their journey by bus to their first destination, Candi Tikus, Candi Bajang Ratu, and Candi Brahu, accompanied by a tour guide from the Badan Pelestarian Kebudayaan or BPK. After going to the temples, they headed to the Majapahit Museum which presented various kinds of relics and artifacts from the era of the Majapahit Kingdom. After visiting multiple cultural reserves, the students headed to their homestay, Sanggar Bhangaskara. In this studio, students are divided into groups to learn batik, making smoked salted eggs, Eco Print, dancing, making candle statues, and terracotta crafts. At Night, the students’ activities continued with the tumpengan activity which was complemented by several ceremonies and traditional dance performances and songs by St. Louis 1. The event ended at 10 pm.


On the second day, all students from the social studies program visited Pondok Pesantren Teknologi Majapahit. The female students wore pashminas or headscarves and dressed respectfully, while the male students dressed neatly and respectfully. The event began with a welcome speech from K.H. Alaikal Fajri, S.H.I., M.M. Then, it continued with a speech from Mr. Y. Heri Priyanto. This was followed by a presentation on tolerance, the second principle of Pancasila, and ways to respect the social and cultural differences of each ethnic group, religion, race, and class in Indonesia. Afterward, there was a Q&A session. Many activities were also available, such as horseback riding and archery, in which all St. Louis’s students were allowed to participate. The students stayed there until 3 p.m.


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